国立大学法人東海国立大学機構 岐阜大学 応用生物科学部





  • 山下 祐磨・溝部 美幸・豊田 政幸:農業用水路の機能診断調査におけるDX活用実証について.(令和5年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド
  • 二村 和弘・石神 直哉:バイカモ保全に配慮した排水路整備.(令和5年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演資料 発表スライド


  • 市川聖佳・豊田政幸・千家正照:林相の異なる森林流域における Fe,Si の動態.(令和4年度日本雨水資源化システム学会講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド
  • 早矢仕豊祥・豊田政幸:舗装劣化の著しい農道の合理的な路面補修工法の立案について.(令和4年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド
  • 森 雅登・奥田 好章:カワニナやホタルの生息に配慮した排水路設計.(令和4年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド
  • 堀 朱実・吉村 伸一:ため池の耐震性能照査結果に影響を与える要因の分析.(令和4年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド
  • 山下祐磨・溝部 美幸・豊田 政幸:現状の管理状況に合わせた揚水機場の機能保全計画の立案について.(令和4年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド


  • 市川聖佳・豊田政幸:国営農地開発事業「飛騨東部第一地区」のフォローアップ調査の効果.(令和3年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド
  • 木野村遼・吉村伸一:国営農地開発事業「御浜地区」のフォローアップ調査がもたらす効果.(令和3年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨 発表スライド


  • 吉村伸一:国営農地開発事業「御浜地区」の現状について.(令和2年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会) 講演要旨
  • 豊田政幸:国営農地開発事業「飛騨東部第一地区」の現状について.(令和2年度農業農村工学会京都支部講演会)講演要旨



  • Zuhud Rozaki, Nohd Fauzi Kamarudin, Ammar Abdul Aziz, Masateru Senge:Exploring Agricultural Resilience in Volcano-Prone Regions: A Case Study from Mount Merapi, Indonesia. Journal of Sastainable Agriculture 38(2):284-296. https://doi.org/10.20961/carakatani.v38i2.72390
  • Pengfei Zhang, Zhaorui Zhang, Menglin Xiao, Jinlong Chao, Yanyan Dai, Geng Liu, Masateru SengeEffects of organic mulching on moisture and temperature of soil in greenhouse production of tomato under unheated greenhouse cultivation in the cold zone of China. Food Science & Nutrition,11(8):4829-4842.
  • Pengfei Zhang・Menglin Xiao・Zhaorui Zhang・Yanyan Dai・Geng Liu・Masateru Senge:Hydrological characteristics of diferent organic materials mulches.Scientifc Reports, (2023) 13:771.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-28124-y
  • 千原英司NGUEN Canh Thai・PETER Amos・千家正照平松研:ベトナムにおけるダム安全性評価と危険度優先順位決定手法,水土の知(農業農村工学会誌), 91巻5号:313-316.
  • 乃田啓吾・岡島賢治・千家正照千原英司西村眞一・梶川千賀子・酒井俊典・平松研:明治用水頭首工の漏水事故に対する緊急対応.水土の知(農業農村工学会誌),91巻2号:31-35.


  • Supriyono Loekito, Afandi, Auliana Afandi, Naomasa Nishimura, Hiroyuki Koyama and Masateru Senge: Gypsum Supplies Calcium to Ultisol Soil and Its Effect on Pineapple Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality in Lower Single Bed under Climate Change. Preprints (www.preprints.org), https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202111.0337.v1
  • Supriyono Loekito, Afandi, Auliana Afandi, Naomasa Nishimura, Hiroyuki Koyama, and Masateru Senge: The effects of calcium fertilizer sprays during fruit development stage on pineapple fruit quality under humid tropical climate. International Journal of Agronomy, Volume 2022, Article ID 3207161, 9 pages, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3207161
  • Supriyono Loekito, Afandi, Auliana Afandi, Naomasa Nishimura, Hiroyuki Koyama and Masateru Senge: Study on soil properties and species conformity of Phytophthora species in a pineapple field. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 27: 361‒370. https://doi.org/10.17957/IJAB/15.1936
  • 千家正照:稲作の気象被害と水田の水管理.美味技術研究学会誌, 20(2): 1-4.
  • 山下みずき・ 伊藤健吾・乃田啓吾・ 千家正照:塩素処理水受容水路における魚類の移動と貝類の分布.農業農村工学会論文集,No. 314:63-74
  • Pengfei Zhang, Shuqin Jiang, Yanyan Dai, Zhaorui Zhang and Masateru Senge: Combined Treatment of Salinity Stress and Fruit Thinning Effect on Tomato. Frontiers in Nutrient, 9: 857977. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2022.857977
  • Supriyono Loekito, Afandi, Auliana Afandi, Naomasa Nishimura, Hiroyuki Koyama and Masateru Senge : Potential of Gypsum Application One Month before Artificial Flower Induction to Improve the Quality of Pineapple Fruit in Ultisol Soil in Humid Tropical Climate. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 28(3): 141-148. https://doi.org/10.17957/IJAB/15.1962
  • 西村眞一・乃田啓吾・千家正照:複合型水路システム導入による送水管理の向上に関する 検討―豊川用水における事例-.農業農村工学会論文集, No. 315 (90-2), pp.Ⅱ_93-Ⅱ_99
  • 千家正照:施設畑における蒸発位の推定.畑地農業2022(769):1-6.(査読無し)  


  • Zuhud Rozaki, Nur Rahmawati, Oki Wijaya, Ikhlas Amalia Khoiri, Masateru Senge and Mohd Fauzi Kamarudin: Perception of agroforestry adopter and non-adopter on volcano risk and hazard: A case in Mt. Merapi, Java, Indonesia. Journal of Biological Diversity, Volume 22, Number 7, July 2021: 3829-3837. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d220928
  • Zuhud Rozaki, Nur Rahmawati, Oki Wijaya, Masateru Senge and Mohd Fauzi Kamarudin: Gender perspectives on agroforestry practices in merapi prone area. Journal of Biological Diversity, Volume 22, Number 7, July 2021: 2980-2987 DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d220751
  • Zuhud Rozaki, Nur Rahmawati, Oki Wijaya, Atikah Fajriyah Mubarok and Masateru Senge: A case study of agroforestry practices and challenges in Mt. Merapi risk and hazard prone area of Indonesia. Journal of Biological Diversity, Volume 22, Number 6, June 2021: 2511-2518. DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d220661
  • Mohammad Abdul Kader, Kimihito Nakamura, Masateru Senge and Mohammad Abdul Mojid : Two-dimensional numerical simulations of soil-water and heat flow in a rainfed soybean field under plastic mulching. Water Supply ws2021095.
  • Diana Hapsari, Takeo Ohnishi and Masateru Senge: Sediment characteristics of two coniferous and broadleaf forests in Kuraiyama, Japan. International Journal of GEOMATE, 20 (82): 77-85. https://doi.org/10.21660/2021.82.j2065
  • Didin Wiharso, Muhajir Utomo, Afandi, Priyo Cahyono, Supriyono Loekito, Naomasa Nishimura and Masateru Senge: Changes in soil morphology and properties under long-term soil management in humid tropical regions of Lampung, Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 20(81): 59-65. https://doi.org/10.21660/2021.81.j2081
  • Didin Wiharso, Muhajir Utomo, Afandi, Priyo Cahyono, Supriyono Loekito, Naomasa Nishimura and Masateru Senge: Effect of long-term cassava cultivation on the morphology and properties of soils in Lampung, Southern Sumatra, Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 20 (79): 168-176. https://doi.org/10.21660/2021.79.j2053


  • 西村眞一、西山竜朗、平松 研千家正照: すべり土塊の再分割を考慮したニューマーク法―農業用フィルダムへの適用―. 農業農村工学会論文集,311 (88-2): 213-218. https://doi.org/10.11408/jsidre.88.I_213
  • Muhamad Khoiru Zaki, Keigo Noda, Kengo Ito, Komariah Komariah, Sumani Sumani and Masateru Senge: Adaptation to Extreme Hydrological Events by Javanese Society through Local Knowledge, Sustainability 2020, 12, 10373; DOI:10.3390/su122410373
  • Duy Quan Tran, Shinichi Nishimura, Masateru Senge and Tatsuro Nishiyama: Risk of Embankment Dam Failure from Viewpoint of Hydraulic Fracturing: Statistics, Mechanism, and Measures, Reviews in Agricultural Science, 8: 216-229, 2020. https://doi.org/10.7831/ras.8.0_216
  • Muhamad Khoiru Zaki, Keigo Noda, Kengo Ito, Komariah, Dwi Priyo Ariyanto and Masateru Senge: Effect of organic amendments on maize cultivation under agricultural drought conditions in Central Java, Indonesia, Hydrological Research Letters 14(4), 150-154, 2020. DOI: 10.3178/hrl.14.150
  • Priyo Cahyono, Supriyono Loekito, Didin Wiharso, Afandi, Komariah, Naomasa Nishimura and Masateru Senge*: Patterns of nutrient availability and exchangeable aluminum affected by compost and dolomite in red acid soil, Lampung, Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 19 (76): 173-179, 2020. https://doi.org/10.21660/2020.76.87631
  • 佐川喜裕・乃田啓吾・広田勲・安瀬地一作・千家正照*:ザンビア国北部の小規模灌漑開発地区における灌漑管理の実態,雨水資源化システム学会誌, 26(2):43-50, 2020
  • Fenglan Wang, Keigo Noda, Issaku Azechi and Masateru Senge*: Potential and feasibility of small hydropower generation at headworks in Japan. Hydrological Research Letters 14(1):23-28, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3178/hrl.14.23
  • Priyo Cahyono, Supriyono Loekito, Didin Wiharso, Afandi, Ali Rahmat, Nishimura Naomasa, and Masateru Senge*: Effects of Compost on Soil Properties and Yield of Pineapple (Ananas comusus L. Merr.) on Red Acid Soil, Lampung, Indonesia. International Journal of GEOMATE, 19(76): 33-39, 2020. https://doi.org/10.21660/2020.76.87174
  • Didin Wiharso, Afandi, Priyo Cahyono, Supriyono Loekito, Naomasa Nishimura and Masateru Senge*: Influence of Volcano Eruption to Weatherable Minerals and Chemical Properties of Red Soils in South Sumatra, Indonesia. International journal of GEOMATE, 19(76): 118-125, 2020. https://doi.org/10.21660/2020.76.92497
  • 鎖柱・千家正照*・乃田啓吾・安瀬地一作・小竹翔大:都市化に伴う水田面積の減少が広域水田用水量と配水管理用水量に与える影響,雨水資源化システム学会誌, 26(2):35-41,2020
  • Suozhu, Marju Ben Sayed and Masateru Senge*: The impact of various environmental changes surrounding paddy field on its water demand in Japan. Reviews in Agricultural Science, 8:199-215. https://doi.org/10.7831/ras.8.0_199
  • 佐川喜裕・乃田啓吾・広田勲・安瀬地一作・千家正照*:ザンビア国北部における小規模灌漑開発の効果. 雨水資源化システム学会誌, 26(1):33-40.
  • Yanyan Dai, Pengfei Zhang, Kengo Ito and Masateru Senge*: Case study for estimating the potential evaporation in tunnel farming in Central Japan. Paddy and Water Environment, 18:717-728. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-020-00813-8
  • Yanyan Dai, Pengfei Zhang, Kengo Ito, Keigo Noda and Masateru Senge*: Clarifcation of the necessary meteorological conditions to control Ralstonia solanacearum via soil solarization. Paddy and Water Environment, 18: 667-676. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10333-020-00809-4
  • Keigo Noda, Kazuki Miyai, Kengo Ito and Masateru Senge: Effect of Residents' Involvement with Small Hydropower Projects on Environmental Awareness. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5994; DOI:10.3390/su12155994
  • Bambang Widiarso, Slamet Minardi, Komariah, Tino Orciny Chandra, Muhamed Abdesalam Elmahdi and Masateru Senge: Predicting peatland groundwater table and soil moisture dynamics affected by drainage level. SAINS TANAH - Journal of Soil Science and Agroclimatology, 17(1): 42-49. https://dx.doi.org/10.20961/stjssa.v17i1.38459
  • Mohammad Kader, Kimihito Nakamura, Masateru Senge, Mohammad Mojid and Shigeto Kawashima: Effects of colored-plastic mulching on soil-thermal regime and growth of rainfed soybean. Irrigation and Drainage, 69(3): 483-494. https://doi.org/10.1002/ird.2431



・千家正照:芦ケ池におけるアオコ発生の要因分析と対策法の検討.愛知・豊川用水振興協会主催:令和5年度管理技術に関する講演会 講演風景 講演スライド


・千家正照:芦ケ池におけるアオコ発生の要因分析.愛知・豊川用水振興協会主催:令和4年度管理技術に関する講演会  講演風景  講演スライド



  • 久野格彦・平松研・千家正照・千原英司:東海地方における産学協同の展開, 農業農村工学会優秀報文賞


  • 千家正照:農業土木の基盤強化に専心.第71回岐阜新聞大賞学術賞,令和3年1月27日岐阜新聞26面
  • 千家正照:山川異域 風月同天.雨水資源化システム学会誌,26(2)巻頭言.